Home Safety Audit

Household Energy Safety Checklist

1.        Do you store fuels, such as paraffin, out of reach from children?

2.        Do you store matches out of reach of children?

3.        Do you store stoves, heaters and lamps away from children?

4.        Are flammable items such as curtains and dish cloths kept away from the stove?

5.        Is an adult always present in the kitchen when food is cooking?

6.        Are flammable liquids stored in safety cans and kept away from heat and children?

7.        Do you ensure adequate ventilation when cooking with paraffin?

8.        Are children taught to stay at least 1 metre from hot appliances.

9.        Is the heater turned off when adults leave the room or go to sleep?

10.     Is your heater kept at a distance from couches, walls or anything else that could burn?

11.     Do you ensure adequate ventilation when heating with paraffin or coal?

12.     Do you keep lighting sources on a steady surface?

13.     Do you keep lighting sources, such as candles, away from children?

14.     Do you ensure that the flame is kept away from flammable materials?

Escape Plan
15.     Does your family have a fire escape plan?

16.     Do you have a meeting place so you will know everyone is outside and safe?

17.     Do you know the emergency services phone number for fires or medical emergencies?

18.     Did you know that using ‘stop, drop and roll’ if you catch alight in a fire could save your life?

19.     Did you know that crawling low in a fire situation could save your life?

Basic First Aid
20.     Did you know that inducing vomiting when paraffin has been ingested could cause serious harm?

21.     Did you know that the best treatment for paraffin ingestion is no food/drink and to immediately seek medical help?

22.     Did you know that the first aid treatment for burns is to immerse the injured body part in cool water?

23.     Did you know that using home remedies (like butter or toothpaste) as a first aid treatment for burns could cause serious harm?

Safety Routine
24.     Do you have an energy safety routine before leaving your home? E.g. switching off appliances

25.     Do you have an energy safety routine before going to sleep? E.g. switching off appliances